Belt and bucket elevators

The Romberger® - Plus points

  • We generously dimension our machines and drives with adequate power reserves
  • Our modular design promises high stability, an easy installation and maintenance
  • The low conveying speed treats the product gentle and is low wearing
  • Low Speed also gives the machine a longer working life
  • We adapt our products individually to our customer's request
  • We offer a wide range of possible areas of application
  • We rely on high quality through precise measurement and fitting accuracy
  • We make large spacing available between the shafts
  • Our belt bucket elevators operate smooth and low-noise
  • You can rely on our outstanding service for life by our Customer Service Department

If you would like more information about our range of elevators, click on the "Download information sheet" button.


If you are interested in an elevator offer, click on the "Download machine accompanying sheet" button, fill in the pdf file and send the file to Our sales staff will then contact you or make you an offer directly.


If you are interested in the technical drawings of our elevators, click the "Download DWG files" button to download them.